Teaching leaders how to create a high-performance culture. Learn how to overcome complacency and inspire accountability, teamwork, and growth.
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Michael knocked it out of the park with his meaningful and impactful content combined with a powerful delivery. His message is as important today as The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People was in its time.
~ Debbie Wershler
President, BOWEN Group
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By implementing these seven strategies, you can effectively foster a more collaborative and cohesive team culture. Do you have employees who act more like “lone…
“This is hopeless,” he muttered, sinking into his office chair. The CEO of a medical device company had just returned from another fruitless executive meeting,…
“He’s a nice guy, but I’m not sure he’s up to the job.” This is what the VP of Construction told the CEO about his…
What’s the difference between a good leader and a great one? Steve Jobs is one of the most celebrated and admired leaders of all time….
You’d think that a CEO of a major airline who is earning over $12 million a year would understand this basic principle of leadership: Leaders…
What’s a manager supposed to do when a team member doesn’t follow proper procedures, puts the company at risk, then lies about it or refuses…