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Throughout history, giving birth was a risky business. However, in the early nineteenth century, deaths of mothers during childbirth suddenly and inexplicably skyrocketed. An epidemic…

Most companies have a business strategy, or a “strategic plan,” but far fewer have a people strategy. That’s kind of ironic because how can an…

With all that’s been written about leadership, it’s surprising how much misinformation exists on the subject. Leadership is not the mysterious cosmic force that it’s…

Julie Payette is an engineer, a scientist, and a former astronaut who speaks six languages, is a critically acclaimed musician, has held executive positions at…

When was the last time your boss asked you to give them some feedback on how they could improve? If your boss is like most…

Throughout the first decade or more of my career, most of my bosses, even the lackluster ones, met with me individually on a regular basis….

Everybody loves a great story. Our favorite stories often involve a protagonist who is dealt a bad hand but who manages to rise victoriously above…

Getting things done through others has long been thought to be the primary goal and challenge of leadership. However, the more we learn about people…

It feels like the COVID-19 pandemic has transformed our lives almost over night. The current global crisis seems to consume our every waking moment. It…
