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Have you ever considered how much time your staff are spending on tasks that should be done by someone being paid half as much? In…

Few leaders have earned a reputation for being an exceptional talent developer… but they’re out there.  You may have heard of some of them.  In professional…

Right now, there is probably something you want to tell one of your colleagues… but you’re holding back.  It’s something that’s hurting their career, and…

What do you think is the most important thing you can do to become a more effective, successful leader?  I often ask this question to…

In PART 1 of this article, I assert that, for decades, most organizations have been taking the wrong approach to managing employee performance. How can…

This time of year, many organizations are gearing up for the annual performance appraisal – a practice best described as managerial bloodletting. It’s a tradition…

In the past, when change happened less frequently, a leader could get by without being a proficient change agent.  Today, it’s a completely different story. …

Do you think you know how much it costs to recruit a manager or executive? You might take a moment to calculate the costs of…

If you’re a leader, you’ve probably heard the quote “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” Unfortunately, when it comes to which one gets more attention from…
